Snowfakery is a fairly new tool from the team at It is designed to generate any amount of arbitrary relational data you can cook up. The Salesforce Open Source Commons Data Generation Toolkit Project has been starting to work on including it in our work (you can read more about my relationship to these projects on the Attain blog) and as part of that, and as part of my actual day job, I’ve been playing with its recipe language, reviewing the documentation, and generally trying to make sure I can use it well.
Snowfakery itself is excellent, but since it’s new there’s a lot of work left to be done on the documentation. The existing docs focus on the generic ways you could use Snowfakery and outline all the features, but I often need it to create very specific things: data for Salesforce orgs with NPSP installed for our nonprofit clients, and the docs aren’t currently great at getting you started at doing that – this post is intended as partial filler in that gap.
The recipe provided here is based on what I’ve learned from my first real successes getting Snowfakery to work on a real-world project.
It give credit where due my first real break through was when Snowfakery’s creator, Paul Prescod, pointed me to a branch in the repo that had some starter NPSP examples. Paul’s samples are helpful but are incomplete and not super well commented. While my solution leverages his work, it simplifies things and takes some short cuts. My goal is functional and understandable, not perfect.
This recipe creates 30 gifts, 20% from companies, 80% from households. They are spread randomly over a set of preexisting Campaigns, and create the needed Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, and Payments. It also assumes you are generally comfortable with the major NPSP objects.
This solution is assembled from three files. The main recipe file snowfakery_npsp_basic_recipe.yml for the objects you want to create, and two layered macro files which are used to generate often repeated objects, npsp_macros.yml, and sf_standard_macros.yml. Both are modified from the versions in the example branch of the repo. The Standard Salesforce objects macro file is derived from this one and the NPSP objects recipe macro file is derived from this one.
The code all of them is in a gist, and embedded below (they are numbered in the gist to control display order, remove numbers before actually using). There are inline comments to explain their details. Once you have local copies of all three files (and have Snowfakery installed) you can generate a JSON file that matches the data described:$ snowfakery --output-format=JSON --output-file gifts.json snowfakery_npsp_basic_recipe.yml
If you are using CumulusCI for your project, you can have CCI load the data directly into your org:
cci task run generate_and_load_from_yaml -o generator_yaml ./datasets/snowfakery_npsp_basic_recipe.yml -o num_records 30 -o num_records_tablename Account --org my_project_sandbox