This year’s Arts in the Heart of Augusta was not hurricane plagued the way last year’s was, and was a great weekend of good food, performances, and generally great chances to take pictures.
Each year opens with a parade to celebrate the diverse set of communities that have settled in and around Augusta.
Drummers from the Chinese community welcomed everyone to the annual opening parade. Representatives from various communities waiting their turn. Children from the Lebanese community. And at the end of the parade everyone dances.
The whole event is built around artists selling their work. They manage to pull in people from a fairly large area, but also make space for young local artists to try to get started selling their work.
For us, and for many others, the variety of ethic foods available for purchase is a large part of the draw.
It’s also a great event for just plain people watching. Between watching the various performances, enjoying the vendors, and the many activities, there are lots of chances to watch people having a good time with their friends and family.
Mixed in with the vendors, food, family activities, stages, and other goes on are always a mix of street performers.
He said he had picked her up at the rescue that morning. Because where else to you take your new parrot?
There are several stages setup throughout the event, spanning several city blocks. The performances range from local signers to dance troops, street performers
Until next year…