DrupalCon Baltimore Notes

I’m using this post as a place to store and share “notes” from DrupalCon Baltimore.  The part of conference notes I tend to find most useful are links and stray ideas I get talking with people.  I don’t tend to take detailed notes anymore since I rarely if ever go back to those, although on rare occasions I do re-watch a session if I found it particularly useful.

Basically this is a dump of links, pictures from various things, and a few stray thoughts. I’ll edit as the week progresses and probably add more thoughts and ideas.

Prenote: https://events.drupal.org/baltimore2017/balti-more-prenote-balti-most-fun-drupalcon (unmitigated silliness)

DriesNote: https://events.drupal.org/baltimore2017/driesnote

Import things to call out:

  • Claims we’re launching 15,000 D8 sites per month!
  • Field Layout module (experimental in Drupal 8.3 core) appears to be DS in core: https://www.drupal.org/node/2795833
  • BigPipe is ready for production.
  • Quick edit can do drag and drop image upload.

Greg Anderson’s PHP OSS Workflow tools: https://events.drupal.org/baltimore2017/sessions/development-workflow-tools-open-source-php-libraries

  • Some time is more important than others, like outages.
  • To find Drupal plugins on Packages: https://packagist.org/search/?type=drupal-drush
  • poser.pugx.org provides badges on packagist pages.
  • https://scrutinizer-ci.com/ “Sometimes any static analysis tools will give you answers you don’t like so just ignore it.”
  • https://www.versioneye.com/ uses the licenses from composer.json to check for both out of date and for compatible licenses. Not terribly useful internally, but user for open projects since you can link a badge to the result. Alternative `composer licenses` which is actually smarter.
  • Sami: A symfony component that does a JavaDoc like project for API documents. https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/Sami

Baby Steps, Lessons Learned & Big plans for Drupal Diversity and Inclusion: https://events.drupal.org/baltimore2017/sessions/year-diversity-initiatives (Core conversations style 30 minute talk with 30 minutes questions).

Launching Online Stores with Commerce 2.x on Drupal 8 https://events.drupal.org/baltimore2017/sessions/launching-online-stores-commerce-2x-drupal-8

Drupal is Changing, Quickly: How and Why https://events.drupal.org/baltimore2017/sessions/drupal-changing-quickly-how-and-why

Composer Resources:

Project Estimates:

My free shirts from DrupalCon.

Technology and its workforce at ethics crossroad


  • Humans don’t panic properly! We panic too late instead of when we can do something about it.
  • Programmers shouldn’t trust themselves since they don’t know what will happen with their work later. @zeynep keynote #drupalcon
  • Everything is multi-causal.
  • Toolmakers’ ideals don’t rule their tools.

  • Surveillance is Baked into Everything.
  • Dismantling structures of accountability
  • Labor Realities of New Economy

Raising the bar with guardr


Watch later:

Additional Resources to checkout:

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