For memorial day weekend my wife and I went camping at Price Lake for a few days. I took a couple hours one afternoon to hike around the Boone Fork Trail. In a moment when the country is in another downward spiral about all I can think to offer are a few images of a place worth being.
Back when we were allowed to go out and about, my wife and I spent a few days in New York City so she could attend a conference. We explored a few of the art museum and I got some time to just hang around Central Park and take pictures. I had started to post this gallery a while back, but got distracted by life and didn’t finish. So as a reminder that there is a larger world out there, and we’ll get to go back to exploring it one day I figured I’d finally get this finished.
The first day we just wondered a bit, including taking the Station Island Ferry across and back to get a few classic pictures.
Statue of Liberty from the Station Island Ferry, where we bumped into the sister of a good friend.
Ellis Island from the Station Island Ferry.
The memorial to the Irish Famine, which is a small Irish Hill side moved to Manhattan.
Ice skating at Rockefeller Center just before the tree came down.
People capturing their memories of the 9/11 memorial.
9/11 Memorial flowers
9/11 Memorial Flower
A friend let us use her membership to the Met. So we spent a long day walking the exhibits. Since you can get better pictures of more or less all their art than most people are likely to take in the galleries (and no small number of people were taking pictures of whole works) I focused on the faces within larger works.
We explored Central Park together and separately. I love getting a few hours to just stroll through a place with my camera. Trying to take a mix of classic pictures and few that are less common.
For Christmas this year my wife and I took off and went to Belize. I took some 2,500 pictures and I’m working my way through them. The gallery below will get captions, alt-text, etc soon.
First sighting of Belize on the flight in.
GJ’s Restaurant picked by our driver on the way from Belize City to San Ignacio.
His guy came running when he spotted customers.
We stayed at Midas Resort in San Ignacio, which we’d recommend.
“Husky” the Midas office husky was an important part of our visit.
Midas has two large male green iguanas roaming the property.
Our room at Midas
Midas was also home to several Agouti.
This hand powered ferry coveys everyone going to Xunantunich
The main temple at Xunantunich from the main plaza
This Iguana spends the day watching tourists explore his home on the temple at Xuanatunich
The frieze on the side of the temple (larger version below).
People looking out from the top of the temple
A view from the furthest building at Xunantunich back toward the temple.
A view from Belize from the top of the temple.
The Howler monkeys were yelling from tree tops when we arrived, but quietly feeding later in the morning.
One of the buildings at Cahal Pach in San Ignasio.
The central, but smaller, plaza at Cahal Pach.
My wife walking through one of the passages at Cahal Pach.
Belikin the beer of Belize served in standard style.
The tonic was pink which threw me off at first.
San Ignasio is home of a large and busy open air market.
All the way to Belize to watch my first Sixers game of the year.
The east temple from Complex Q at Tikal.
My wife walking down from the top of the east temple.
The two of us on the steps to the east temple.
First view we got of Temple I
The back of Temple I
The buildings from the main plaza in Tikal.
Temple I from the plaza.
The view from the top of Temple IV in Tikal.
All ships leaving Yavin base pass through this scene.
There were lots of people at the top, and that fence in the background was the only safety rail
The spider monkeys were one of the coolest things we saw.
This guy stopped to watch us for a bit.
He scooped water out of a hole in the and drank upside down.
We got really lucky to see this mother and baby passing by.
This Coati was snuffling in the grass near the visitor center
A green iguana from the rescue program in town.
Another green iguana from the rescue program in town.
The males turn orange to show off.
My wife and I with one of the rescued iguana.
This guy kept his distance and his eyes on us.
The entrance to Barton cave.
The view back out from the Barton creek cave.
The Big Rock Waterfalls in the Pine Mountain reserve.
Butterfly from the San Jose Succotz TrekStop
Butterfly caretaker from the San Jose Succotz TrekStop
Butterfly from the San Jose Succotz TrekStop
We spent Christmas itself in San Pedro
The view from our hotel room in San Pedro
There are some nice views on San Pedro beaches.
They were just enjoying people watching.
This guy sells nice carvings like the ray he’s holding to visitors.
Cause what else would Santa ride on a beach.
There was a party in the town square Christmas morning starting at Midnight. I didn’t stay for much.
Rode bikes out to Secret Beach which is anything but secret.
There are at least two bars at Secret beach
Machete, Coconut, and drinks. What could go wrong (nothing for her).
Took bikes down to Marco Gonzalez Mayan site. The path looked like something from Myst.
Marco Gonzalez is mostly still covered in jungle.
Mayans here used Conch shells to build walls. They are kinda creepy 500 years later.
Beatrice is one of three Black Iguanas with names at Marco Gonzalez
Sun rise from our hotel room.
These panoramic pictures were created with a combination of my iPhone in pano mode and some that are stitched together with Hugin.
Picture of Belize taken from the top of the temple at Xunantunich. Stitched with Hugin.Same angle made with iPhone.Picture of Guatemala from the other side of the temple at Xunantunich stitched with Hugin.Another of Guatemala with the iPhone.The frieze on the side of the temple. This is actually a cast created over the top of the original to protect it from weather.The temple taken from the main plaza.Taken from the side of the temple.The main plaza at Cahal Pech ruins at the edge of San IgnacioThe main plaza at TikalTaken from the top of the observatory at Tikal.Taken from the top of Temple IV at Tikal. Scenes from Yavin base in Star Wars were shot near this spot.Another stitched image from Temple IV.Dock on the beach in San Pedro.A bit north of Secret Beach (which is anything but secret) we found a nice dock to enjoy our lunch.