For the July 2021 SC DUG, I gave my new talk titled “Queries on Queries” which poses questions to ask yourself when migrating data between systems. Data migrations are often critical to project success, but all too often that are treating as a throw-away process. This talk is intentionally platform agnostic building from my experience with both Drupal and Salesforce.
If you would like to join us please check out our up coming events on MeetUp. You’ll find our meeting times and, once you RSVP, remote connection information.
We frequently use these presentations to practice new presentations, heavily revised versions, and test out new ideas with a friendly audience. So if some of the content of these videos seems a bit rough please understand that is some of the point. If you want to see a polished version checkout our group members’ talks at camps and cons.
If you are interested in giving a practice talk, leave me a comment here, contact me through, or find me on Drupal Slack. We’re excited to hear new voices and ideas. We want to support the community, and that means you.
In June for the SC DUG meeting Will Jackson from Kanopi Studios gave a talk about using MQTT with Drupal to connect to local IoT devices. A fan of home automation, Will has created a Drupal 8/9 version of the MQTT module. He is hoping to encourage more people in the Drupal community to join the fun.
If you would like to join us please check out our up coming events on MeetUp. You’ll find our meeting times and, once you RSVP, remote connection information.
We frequently use these presentations to practice new presentations, heavily revised versions, and test out new ideas with a friendly audience. So if some of the content of these videos seems a bit rough please understand that is some of the point. If you want to see a polished version checkout our group members’ talks at camps and cons.
If you are interested in giving a practice talk, leave me a comment here, contact me through, or find me on Drupal Slack. We’re excited to hear new voices and ideas. We want to support the community, and that means you.
Chris Zietlow from Mindgrub gave his new talk on AWS: How an online retailer came to conquer the Internet. He explores the Genesis of Amazon Web Services, how it became widely adopted, and a birds eye view of some of the more common problems their services can solve.
If you would like to join us please check out our up coming events on MeetUp for meeting times, locations, and remote connection information.
We frequently use these presentations to practice new presentations, try out heavily revised versions, and test out new ideas with a friendly audience. So if some of the content of these videos seems a bit rough please understand we are all learning all the time and we are open to constructive feedback. If you want to see a polished version checkout our group members’ talks at camps and cons.
If you are interested in giving a practice talk, leave me a comment here, contact me through, or find me on Drupal Slack. We’re excited to hear new voices and ideas. We want to support the community, and that means you.
This month’s SC DUG featured Mauricio Orozco posing questions about getting started as a consultant to long-time members who have all done some work with Drupal as a consultant.
If you would like to join us please check out our upcoming events on Meetup for meeting times, locations, and remote connection information.
We frequently use these presentations to practice new presentations, try out heavily revised versions, and test out new ideas with a friendly audience. So if some of the content of these videos seems a bit rough please understand we are all learning all the time and we are open to constructive feedback. If you want to see a polished version checkout our group members’ talks at camps and cons.
If you are interested in giving a practice talk, leave me a comment here, contact me through, or find me on Drupal Slack. We’re excited to hear new voices and ideas. We want to support the community, and that means you.
This month I gave a talk at SCDUG on encouraging creating testing plans for teams that have been resistant for any number of reasons. This talk is meant to help people argue for the value of testing, and help you create a testing plan that will save more resources that it costs. This was an initial draft of that talk that I’ll be giving a revised and improved version of at Drupal Camp Atlanta in September.
If you would like to join us please check out our up coming events on Meetup for meeting times, locations, and remote connection information.
We frequently use these presentations to practice new presentations, try out heavily revised versions, and test out new ideas with a friendly audience. So if some of the content of these videos seems a bit rough please understand we are all learning all the time and we are open to constructive feedback. If you want to see a polished version checkout our group members’ talks at camps and cons.
If you are interested in giving a practice talk, leave me a comment here, contact me through, or find me on Drupal Slack. We’re excited to hear new voices and ideas. We want to support the community, and that means you.
Launching a website can be a nerve-wracking experience, often times with developers working up until the wire trying to finish that one last feature. If only there was a crystal ball that would show you a vision of how your site would fare when the masses were set loose upon it.
We frequently use these presentations to practice new presentations, try out heavily revised versions, and test out new ideas with a friendly audience. If you want to see a polished version checkout our group members’ talks at camps and cons. So if some of the content of these videos seems a bit rough please understand we are all learning all the time and we are open to constructive feedback.
If you would like to join us please check out our up coming events on MeetUp for meeting times, locations, and remote connection information.
Suggestions for learning the skills we all need to advance.
This month for SC DUG I gave a talk on the importance of self-directed learning for professional development as a developer — or really any other modern career. It was an extension and revision of my December blog post on the same topic. The presentation runs a hair over 30 minutes, and parts of the discussion are included as well.
We frequently use these presentations to practice new presentations, try out heavily revised versions, and test out new ideas with a friendly audience. If you want to see a polished version checkout our group members’ talks at camps and cons. So if some of the content of these videos seems a bit rough please understand we are all learning all the time and we are open to constructive feedback.
If you would like to join us please check out our up coming events on MeetUp for meeting times, locations, and remote connection information.
Chris opened by talking about using AWS Micro servers. Will shared a solution using a Raspberry Pi for a fully wireless server. I closed the discussion with a review of using Drupal Tome on Netlify.
We all worked from a loose set of rules to help keep us honest and prevent overlapping:
Rules for Cheap D8 Hosting Challenge
The goal is to figure out the cheapest D8 hosting that would actually function for a project, even if it is deeply irresponsible to actually use.
It has to actually work for D8 (so modern PHP version, working database, etc),
You do not actually have to spend the money, but you do need to know all the steps required to make it work.
It needs to honor the TOS for any networks and services you use (no illegal network taps – legal hidden taps are fair game).
You have to share your idea with the other players so we don’t have two people propose the same solution (first-come-first-serve on ideas).
Be prepared to talk for about 5 minutes on how your solution would work. Your talk needs to include:
Estimated Monthly cost for the first year.
Steps required to make it work.
Known weaknesses.
If you have a super cheap hosting solution for Drupal 8 we’d love to hear about it.
Drupal Tome is a static site generator distribution of Drupal 8. It provides mechanisms for taking an entire Drupal site and exporting all the content to HTML for direct service. As part of a recent competition at SCDUG to come up with the cheapest possible Drupal 8 hosting, I decided to do a proof-of-concept level implementation of Drupal 8 with Docksal for local content editing, and Netlify for hosting (total cost was just the domain registration).
The Tome project has directions for setup with Docker, and for setup with Netlify, but they don’t quite line up with each other (I followed the docker instructions, then the Netlify set, but had to chart my own course to get the site from the first project linked to the repo in the second), and since I’m getting used to using Docksal when I had to fall back and do a bit of it myself I realized it was almost painfully easy to setup.
The first step was to go to the Tome documentation for Netlify and setup an account, and site from the template. There is a button in those directions to trigger the Netlify setup, I’ve added one here as well (but if this one fails, check to see if they updated theirs):
Login with Github or similar service, and let it create a repo for your project.
Follow Netlify’s directions for setting up DNS so you can have the domain you want, and HTTPS (through Let’s Encrypt). It took it a couple hours to get that detail to run right, but it eventually worked. For this project I chose a subdomain of my main blog domain:
Next go to Github (or whatever service you used) and clone the repository to your local machine. There is a generated README on that project, but the directions aren’t 100% correct if you aren’t cloning onto a machine with a working PHP environment. This is when I switched over to docksal, and ran the following series of commands:
fin init
fin composer install
fin drush tome:install
fin drush uli
Then log into your local site using the domain from docksal and the link from drush, and add some content.
Next we export the content from Drupal to send over to Netlify for deployment.
…now we wait while Netlify notices and builds the site…
If you look at the site a few minutes later the new content should be posted.
This is all well and good if I want to use the version of the site generated for the Netlify example, but I wanted to make sure I could do something more interesting. These days Drupal ships with an install profile called Unami that provides a more robust sample site than the more traditional Standard install.
So now let’s try to get Unami onto this site. Go back to the terminal and have Tome reset everything (it’ll warn you that you are about to nuke everything):
fin drush tome:init
…select Unami when it asks for a profile…and wait cause this takes a while…
Now just re-export the content and push it to your repo.
fin drush tome:static
git add .
git commit -m "Converting to Unami"
git push
And wait again, cause this also takes a few minutes…
The Unami home page on my subdomain hosted at Netlify.
That really was all that was involved for a simple site, you can see my repository on Github if you want to see all of what was generated along the way.
The whole process is pretty straight forward, but there are a few things that it helps to understand.
First, Netlify is actually regenerating the markup on their servers with this approach. The Drupal nodes, and other entities, are saved as JSON and then imported during the build. This makes the process reliable, but slow. Unami takes several minutes to deploy since Netlify is installing and configuring Drupal, loading the content, and generating the output. The build command provided in that template is clear enough to follow if you are familiar with composer projects:
One upside of this, is that you can use a totally unrelated domain for your local testing and have it adjust correctly to the production domain. When you are using Netlify’s branching workflow for managing dev, test, and production it also protects your work that way.
My directions above load a standard docksal container because that’s quick and easy, which includes MySQL, but Tome falls back to using a Sqlite database since you can be more confident it is there. Again this is reliable but slow. If I were going to do this on a more complete project I’d want a smaller Docksal setup or to switch to using MySQL locally.
A workflow based on this approach might also struggle with concurrent edits or complex configuration of large sites. It would probably make more sense to have the content created on a hidden, but traditional, server and then run through a different workflow. But for someone working on a series small sites that are rarely updated, a totally temporary instance of the site that can be rapidly deployed to a device, have content updated, push out to production, and then deleted locally until needed again.
The final detail to note is that there is no support for forms built into this solution. Netlify has support for that, and Tome has a module that claim to connect to that service but I wasn’t able to quickly determine how to get it connected. I am confident there are solves to this problem, but it is something that would take a little additional work.
We frequently use these presentations to practice new presentations, try out heavily revised versions, and test out new ideas with a friendly audience. If you want to see a polished version checkout our group members’ talks at camps and cons. So if some of the content of these videos seems a bit rough please understand we are all learning all the time and we are open to constructive feedback.
If you would like to join us please check out our up coming events on Meetup for meeting times, locations, and connection information.